Why Choose Us

Why join the world’s fastest growing marketing platform for restaurants

Focused exclusively on the restaurant sector, we have gathered the brightest, most commercially focused, experienced and passionate team of online marketers, account managers, designers and developers in the industry. Our combined skill sets ensure our clients’ online success with a laser focus on accelerating client revenues.

We’re proven, reliable and secure

Our team of seasoned technology and marketing experts make Digital Restaurant the partner of choice for more than 6,000 of the most innovative and forward-thinking brands. Future proof your restaurant and become part of our success today.

World class support

Our friendly support team is comprised of highly skilled individuals who are dedicated to making sure that you are always happy with your software and service.Their aim is to help you with all aspects of your business and website’s performance, and they are always on hand to address queries and problems.

More customers

We are conversion experts and provide the marketing tools to bring more customers in your door.

Next level tech

Our dedicated developers and support team make sure you get the data and operational insights you need to make the most of Digital Restaurant’s innovative technology.

Start with expert hand-on-hand setup

Throughout our partnership, we will work with you to ensure your business succeeds on our platform. Our experienced team will help you with everything from menu setup and testing to operations advice to helping you handle increased order and booking volume.

Gain new insight into your business

Regular reports, customer feedback, insights on order and booking trends, and service advice help you build the best experience for your customers. Best practices from across our product suite help you increase throughput and sales.

From upfront training to operational support to data insights and analysis, we help our partners maximise profits with minimal effort.

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